Kamis, 31 Maret 2016


Do you know? Chronology fact that Indonesian Islamic History and civilization in the verses of Al-Quran Suroh An-Naml 16-48 and 12-41 in Suroh Saba? for some reason there is a cover-up the truth of Islamic history and civilization that was extremely advanced in Indonesia this country, may also be in because people earlier that Indonesia has done injustice to themselves, until they denied the revelations of GOD Almighty and considerdiada invent a magic, so it was not GOD Almighty bless the Islamic civilization in Indonesia because the Indonesian people are not grateful former greatness GOD Almighty and grateful for the joy. The following chronology Indonesian Islamic History and Civilization of Islam in Indonesia which is taken from the Qur'aan:بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم (In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful).An Naml: 16)And Solomon was David's heir, and he said: "O mankind! We have been taught the speech of birds and we were given everything. Indeed (all) this is really a real gift. "(An Naml: 17)And gathered together unto Solomon his army of jinn, humans and birds, and they were arranged in an orderly manner (in a row).(An Naml: 18)Till, when they reached the valley ant an ant said: O ants, go into the nest-nest, that ye be not trampled by Solomon and his soldiers, while they perceive not ";(An Naml: 19)then he smiled, laughing (hear) the words of ants. And he prayed: "O my Lord grant me the inspiration to remain grateful for Thy favors Thou hast bestowed to me and to my father and mother are two people to do good deeds that you ridhai; and key it me with Thy grace to the class Thy servants the righteous ".(An Naml: 20)And he reviewed the birds and said: "Why do I not see the hoopoe, whether he included were not present.(An Naml: 21)Indeed, I really will punish him with a severe penalty or completely kill it unless absolutely he came to me a clear reason ".Bird Hud-hud find Queen Balqis in the State of Saba (INDONESIA)(An Naml: 22)Then not much later (came Hoopoe), then he said: "I already know something you do not know; and I brought thee out of the land of Saba are believed to be an important news.(An Naml: 23)Indeed, I met a woman who govern them, and he was awarded everything and has a great throne.(An Naml: 24)I found her and her people worshiping the sun, besides Allah; and the devil made them look at their wonderful deeds and hinder them from the way (Allah), so they can not guide,(An Naml: 25)so that they do not worship the God who issued what is hidden in the heavens and on earth, and who knows what you conceal and what you reveal.(An Naml: 26)God, no God to be worshiped except Him, Lord of the Throne is great ".(An Naml: 27)Sulaiman said: "We shall see, what you really, or are you among those who lie.(An Naml: 28)Go to (bring) this letter, and drop it to them, then turn away from them, and consider what they are talking about "(An Naml: 30)Indeed it is from SuIaiman and indeed (as follows): "In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful".(An Naml: 31)"That ye all arrogant against me and come to me as those who surrender".(An Naml: 32)Said he (Balqis): "O princes grant me in my business considerations (this) I never decided anything problem before you are in the assemblies (ku)".(An Naml: 33)They said: "We are the ones who have the power and (also) have the courage highly (in the war), and the decision is in your hands: so consider what thou wilt command."(An Naml: 34)He said: "Surely when kings enter a country, they would destroy it, and make noble inhabitants so contemptible; and so also what they would do.(An Naml: 35)And behold, I will send messengers to them (bring) a gift, and (I'll) wait for what will be taken back by the messengers ".(An Naml: 36)But when the messenger came to Solomon, Solomon says: "Does (should) you help me with wealth? then what God has given me is better than what is given unto you; but you feel proud of your gift.(An Naml: 37)Go back to them, surely we will come to them with the army that they are not powerless against it, and certainly we will expel them from the land (Saba) humiliating and they become (prisoners) are untouchable ".(An Naml: 38)Sulaiman said: "O chiefs! Which of you who could bring her throne to me before they come to me as those who surrender".(An Naml: 39)Say 'Ifrit (ingenious) from the class of jinn: "I will come to you with a singgsana it to you before you stand up from your seat; I actually really strong to bring it more reliable. "(An Naml: 40)Said one who had knowledge of the Book: "I will bring it to you before your eyes blink". Then when he saw it in his presence, he also said: "This is the Grace of my Lord to test me whether I am grateful or denying (would favor him). And whoever is grateful then indeed he is grateful for (the good of) his own and those who disbelieve, then surely my Lord is Rich, Most Venerable ".(An Naml: 41)He said: "Change her throne; then we will see whether she knew or was he among those who do not know (it) ".(An Naml: 42)And when it comes Balqis, ditanyakanlah to him: "Similar is this throne?" He replied: "As if this throne throne, we have given the prior knowledge and we are the ones who surrender".(An Naml: 43)And what the worship of others besides Allah, prevent it (to give birth to his Islam), because actually he was once among those who disbelieve.(An Naml: 44)Said to him: "Go into the palace". But when he saw the floor of the palace, she thought was a large pool of water, and disingkapkannya both calves. Sulaiman said: "Surely it is a palace made of glass slippery". Balqis said: "My Lord, I have wronged myself and I surrender along with Sulaiman to Allah, Lord of the Worlds".(An Naml: 45)And We sent to (the) Thamud their brother Saleh (who exclaim): "Worship Allah". But suddenly they (so) two hostile factions.(An Naml: 46)He said: "O my people! Why do you ask for expedited vices before (you ask) a favor? You shall ask forgiveness of Allah, that ye may receive mercy ".(An Naml: 47)They said: "We got an unfortunate fate, because you and the people that are with thee". Salih said: "Your fate is in the sight of Allah, (not that we were the cause), but you people who tested".(An Naml: 48)And is in the city nine men, who made mischief in the land, and they do not do good.(Saba ': 12)And We (subjected) the wind for Solomon, who travels in a time equal to a month's journey in the morning and afternoon journey in time is equal to a month's journey (anyway) and we flow the molten copper for him. And most of the jinns worked in front of him (under his control) with the permission of their Lord. And who deviated among them from Our command, We feel her doom of hell fire blazing.(Saba ': 13)The genie was made to Solomon what he wanted from tall buildings and sculptures and platters (magnitude) such as ponds and pot still (located above the stove). Work you, O house of David to give thanks (to Allah). And very few of My servants are grateful.(Saba ': 14)But when We have established Solomon's death, nothing showed them his death except termites that eat wand. And when she had fell down, the jinn know that if only they knew the unseen, they were not going to remain in a humiliating torment.(Saba ': 15)Indeed, for the people of Saba there are signs (power of God) in the place they are two gardens on the right and on the left. (To be said): "Eat ye of sustenance (given) your Lord and thank you to him. (Your country) is a good country, and (Lord) is the Forgiving God ".(Saba ': 16)But they turn away, then We bring them a great flood and We converted their two gardens with two gardens are overgrown (trees) producing bitter fruit, stunted trees and a bit of tree Sidr.(Saba ': 17)Thus do we reward them for their disbelief. And we do not impose the punishment (such), but only to those who are unbelievers.(Saba ': 18)And We made between them and between countries We bestowed blessings on him, some adjacent land and we set between the countries (distances) trip. Walk ye in the cities at night and during the day with safely.(Saba ': 19)But they said: "Our Lord, take away our travel distance", and they persecute themselves; but We made them the subject of gossip and We annihilated them sehancur-destruction. Verily in this is truly there are signs of God for everyone who patiently again grateful.(Saba ': 20)And indeed, the devil has been able to prove the sangkaannya against them and they followed him, all but a few people who believe.(Saba ': 21)And neither is the power of the devil against them, but only so that we can distinguish who believe in the hereafter of who is in doubt about it. And thy Lord Maintaining everything.(Saba ': 40)And (remember) the day (which at that time) will gather them all and then God said to the angels: "Are they formerly worshiped you?".(Saba ': 41)The angels said: "Glory to Thee. Thou art our protector, not them; in fact they worshiped the jinn; Most of them believe that the genie ".(Hud: 28)Noah said: "O my people, what you think, if I was to have a clear proof from my Lord, and he gave me the grace of his hand, but it is disguised mercy to you. What will we paksakankah you accept it when you not like it? "Read the title above, certainly many people who would frown, as a sign of disbelief. In fact, it might as well with you. Therefore, the Prophet Sulaiman AS is a messenger of God given privilege by his ability to conquer all of God's creatures, including wind power is subject to the permission of Allah. In fact, the birds and the jin always obey the command of Solomon.According to Sami bin Abdullah al-Maghluts, in his book History Atlas Prophets and Messengers, Prophet Solomon thought to have lived in the 9th century BCE (989-931 BCE), or about 3,000 years ago (but the prophet's death became known only when the US sulaiman wand eaten by termites in the Qur'aan QS.Saba paragraph 14, so it could be a new prophet sulaiman known to have died during the Jin establish borobudur which have not been resolved). Meanwhile, the Borobudur Temple as it is written in a variety of national history books, founded by the Sailendra dynasty in the late 8th century BC, or about 1,200 years ago. Therefore, it was natural that many people are probably laughing wry, amused, and shaking his head when it is mentioned that the Borobudur Temple of Solomon was founded by the US.Borobudur is a Buddhist temple. Adjacent to the temple of Borobudur is Pawon and Mendut. A few kilometers from Borobudur Temple, Prambanan there, Kalasan, Candi Sari, Plaosan, and others. The temples at Prambanan near a Buddhist temple founded around the year 772 and 778 AD.So, what to do with Solomon? Really Borobudur is a relic of King Solomon great and glorious it? What is the evidence? Is it true that there are traces of Islam in the largest Buddhist temple? Certainly need a comprehensive research and involving various parties to prove the validity and truth.However, if the above questions posed to KH Fahmi Basya, mathematician Islam that would answer; correct. Borobudur is a relic of King Solomon in the land of Java.In his book, Islam Mathematics 3 (Reuters, 2009), KH Fahmi Basya mention a few characteristics of Borobudur is a proof as a relic of the Prophet David's son. Among them, the forest or the land of Saba, meaning Saba, the name of Solomon, fruit maja bitter (Majapahit kingdom), removal of the palace of the Queen of Saba to the territory of Solomon, buildings that are not resolved by the genie, a gathering place of the Queen of Saba, and the building that like great wall which extends across the northern seas Jayapura (yg possibility of this wall is the wall of Gog MA "JUJ wallahu'alam, see the article Gog Magog and jayapura wall at the following link: http://wp.me/p3gX77 -54).
In the Qur'an, the story of King Solomon and the Queen of Saba is mentioned in Surah An-Naml [27]: 15-44, Saba [34]: 12-16, al-Anbiya [21]: 78-81, and others. Of course, many who do not believe that Borobudur is a relic of Solomon.Among the reasons, as Solomon lived in the 10th century BC, while Borobudur was built in the 8th century AD. Then, according to many parties, events and story of Solomon was happening in the Palestinian territories, and Saba in South Yemen, while Borobudur in Indonesia.Of course this is curious. Moreover, KH Fahmi Basya showed evidence based on the testimony of the Qur'an. Then, what if valid proof of Borobudur is a relic of Solomon or buildings whose creation is the command of Solomon?In the book of flying KH Fahmi Basya reveal the scientific evidence that the Borobudur temple hindu culture is not the result, as we know so far. Borobudur temple has existed since long, long before hindu exist in this archipelago. Based on his research, the Borobudur temple was even built by the prophet sulaiman with the help of the genie in the days when the archipelago was without form as it is now, which is still a vast land. Much of the data and analyzes presented in the book flying as evidence against this argument.To find out one proof of that argument, it helps us know beforehand lafadz symbol bismillah. Symbols that can be made by painting a circle 7 equal pieces are one of the circles in the middle and surrounded by 6 other circles.Each circle represents one letter at lafadz bismillah ie ba, sin, mim, alif, lam, lam, and ha '. If the sixth circle outside each center point sequentially connected by lines and the circles-lingakaran beyond it removed, be it as a hexagon shape with a circle in the middle. That symbol lafadz bismillah.Now let us examine one of the many contours engraved in the stones of the temple of Borobudur. it is this contour.it turns out a lot of forms that we find on the rocks at Borobudur temple. Hexagon with a circle in the middle. What does the shape of it? It turns hexagon symbol with a circle underneath is a symbol lafadz bismillah. Thus one analysis of evidence presented by KH Fahmi Basya in booknya flying.In addition, the book also disclosed flying scientifically that the Borobudur temple formerly not in place as of now, but had been displaced by the displacement speeds exceeding the speed of light (60,000 times). This resulted in the contour of the Borobudur temple decay. The transfer of this temple according a story in the Quran: "Said one who had knowledge of AI Book:" I will bring it to you before your eyes blink ". Then when he saw it in his presence, he also said: "This is the Grace of my Lord to test me whether I am grateful or denying (would favor him). And whoever is grateful then indeed he is grateful for (the good of) his own and those who disbelieve, then surely my Lord is Rich, Most Venerable ". (QS.An Naml: 40)During this often expressed is that removal of Yemen to Palestine, but in fact the proof has not been found.And according to research KH Fahmi Basya, where lies the Borobudur temple before being moved? The answer is in the temple area boko located in the district of Bantul. In the region appears traces of their great temple. However, the great temple was lost, somehow the loss, which is obviously not as destroyed or collapsed. Even in the temple area boko found fragments of the rest of the temple which contour similar to the contour of the Borobudur temple. However, the contours in the temple area boko this more apparent than with the existing contours in Borobudur temple. This is due to the decay that occurs as a result of displacement at speeds 60,000 times the speed of light had. (See picture above)Furthermore KH Fahmi Basya discuss the other side of the Borobudur temple, Borobudur temple is that the design is very complex and has a deep meaning. For example, relief on the wall-dindingnnya, measure the volume of the temple which form the beams Qur'an (23x23x12 = 6348 = number of verses in the Quran along basmalah), google earth even photographic evidence that shows that the top of the temple formed a straight line that connects with syaam and Black Stone pillars of the temple, whether it indicates the point where the country SYAM? (Admin will discuss this in the middle and the end of this article, and therefore understand it peruse the big secret in this article on the history of Islam in this country). And more facts presented in the book flying.Name saba 'itself, in the can of the Quran, which briefly Quran (surah An Naml and letter Saba) reported that the country saba' advance is a very prosperous country, fertile lands and developed nation. Lived in the country earlier Prophets such as Prophet Daud US, Prophet Solomon US, and also a woman who is very legendary queen is the queen Bilqis. However, the country was destroyed by God with a huge flood because the people in the country polytheism, ie worshiping kereka melekukan worship the sun.Meanwhile, in a legend that is very famous in the world, it seems ever there was a country in which the characteristic is almost similar to that described the Koran. The country was named the country Atlantis. The country was in a vast and fertile land, and inhabited by a progressive and prosperous nation, superior in terms of agricultural irrigation. The vast land that is referred to as a continent of Atlantis where the continent was destroyed in the ice age. Along the mainland sinking of Atlantis, the Atlantis There goes the country is so prosperous.Based on the similarity of the story in the Qur'an and the legend that developed in nearly sekuruh oenjuru world, it could be, saba country 'referred to in the Qur'an was none other than the country that once inhabited the land Atlantis Atlantis which has now been destroyed by the great flood in the days ice. Whether or not things indeed still requires further research.During this time nearly most scientists say that the country saba 'mentioned in the Koran it is located in an area of ​​Yemen, even in many interpretations Quran even says so. However, through the expedition and research, the results of which were made in the form of flying boook, KH Fahmi Basya concluded that it is not an area of ​​Yemen actual position of domestic Saba 'was, but he was in a region with its center on the island of Java, where the first region that includes parts of Indonesia and still is a vast land, or in the form of a continent. Here I write 14 evidence presented by KH fahmi Basya which revealed that the country saba 'in the Qur'an it is not located in Yemen but in Indonesia.FIRST. Name saba 'itself. "..and I brought thee out of the land of Saba an important news that believed." (Qur'an, 27:22). In Indonesia there is a name and a place called saba '(meeting place) and there is a place. while in Yemen there. There was only sabuun (inscription), but no A = the name of a place called saba 'Second, the work is not finished when the genie know Solomon has died. "Then, when we have established Solomon's death, nothing showed them his death except termites that eat wand. And when she had fell down, the jinn know that if only they knew the unseen, they were not going to remain in a humiliating torment "(Surah Saba [34]: 14). Upon learning of the death of Solomon, the genie was discontinued last job in Borobudur at the end of the 8th century AD. In Borobudur, there is a statue that has not been completely resolved. The statue is called the Unfinished Solomon."(Prophet Sulaiman As) said 'then change her throne, then we will see whether she knew or was he included org-org who do not know him" (AN-Naml verse 41) here "throne" that was meant Borobudur, the prophet sulaiman As knowingly carvings and sculptures such as the statue of Buddha, even though it was only a camouflage in order to know who the Muslims are finding the camouflage. And here's the answer from camouflage who created the prophet sulaiman As distinguished hidden diborobudur during which turned out to exist in the Qur'an: "the genie was made to sulaiman what he pleases from on high buildings and statues and plate yg plate (magnitude) such as a pool and a fixed pot (above the stove). Work you, O house of David to give thanks (to Allah), and a few of my servants who are grateful. " (Qs.Saba paragraph 13) high-rise buildings are temples browsing, patung2 and piring2 that the magnitude of such a pool and crockery which remain above the stove is Borobudur.Third, the genie was ordered to build high buildings and sculptures. "(Prophet Sulaiman As) said 'then change her throne, then we will see whether she knew or was he included org-org who do not know him" (AN-Naml paragraph 41)
Here the "throne" that was meant Borobudur, the prophet sulaiman As purposely make the carvings statues of Buddha statues, whereas it is merely camouflage in order to know who the Muslims are finding the camouflage.
And here's the answer from camouflage who created the prophet sulaiman As distinguished hidden diborobudur during which turned out to exist in the Qur'an:
"The genie was made to sulaiman what he pleases from on high buildings and statues and plates that (magnitude) such as a pool and a fixed pot (above the stove). Work you, O house of David to give thanks (to Allah), and a few of my servants who are grateful. "(Qs.Saba paragraph 13)
tall buildings are temples browsing, patung2 and piring2 that the magnitude of such a pool and crockery which remain above the stove is Borobudur. In Yemen, there are no buildings of this kind, but in Indonesia there, namely Borobudur temple and temple browsing. Borobudur temple is located in a valley, and that the valley of ants, the most beautiful valley in the world.Fourth, Solomon spoke with the birds and animals. (Surat an-Naml [27]: 20-22). Reliefs also there. In fact, a number of reliefs of Borobudur motivated frame of flowers and birds. There are also a number of reliefs of other animals, such as elephants, horses, pigs, dogs, monkeys, and more.Solar majapahitKelima, the story of the Queen of Saba and the people who worship the sun and bowed down to fellow human beings. "I found her and her people worshiping the sun, besides Allah; and the devil made them look at their wonderful deeds and hinder them from the way (Allah), so they can not guide "(Surah An-Naml [27]: 22). According to Fahmi Basya, Saba means gathering or a gathering place. Hud-hud bird expression of Saba, because the birds do not know the name of that area. "Let birds, humans only when they are on the plane, will not know the name of a city or country," he explains. Fahmi added Basya, a gathering place for humans it is at Ratu Boko temple is located about 36 kilometers from Borobudur. This distance also allows the birds to travel in a fly. And in Yemen are not found such a place, while in Indonesia where such exists, namely in the area of ​​the hill temple Boko and royal symbol majapahit "solar majapahit" (symbol which proves that the kingdom of Majapahit had once worshiped the sun, but they realized it was misguided and choose Islam, in the Majapahit emblem of the eight sunlight there are some Arabic writing, namely shifat, asthma, ma'rifat, Adam, Muhammad, Allah, monotheism and Essence. words that appear at the Arab beraksara between the rays of the sun there is the emblem of this Majapahit.). In the hill region candi boko there is a place used for worshiping the sun in the form of the building on a hill overlooking the east, toward the rising sun. (See the picture at the top)Sixth, Saba is in Indonesia, namely Wonosobo. In the Qur'an, Saba area with trees very much. "Indeed, the people of Saba there are signs (power of God) in the place they are two gardens on the right and on the left. (To be said): "Eat ye of sustenance (given) your Lord and thank you to him. (Your country) is a good country, and (Lord) is God the Forgiving. "(Surah Saba [34]: 15). In ancient Jawi language dictionary, compiled by Dr Maharsi, the word 'Wana' means woods. Thus, according to Fahmi, wana saba is a Wonosobo forest or Saba.maja fruit 'bitterSeventh, the fruit that tastes bitter, and being bandied (folklore). "... And we replace both their gardens with two gardens are overgrown (trees) bitter fruit ..." (Qur'an, 34:16). In Indonesia there is a fruit that tastes bitter namely fruit MAJAPAHIT, in Yemen does not exist. "But, they turn away, then We bring them a great flood and We converted both their gardens with two gardens are overgrown (trees) producing bitter fruit, tree Atsl and a bit of Sidr tree. "(Surah Saba [34]: 16).Eighth, the name of Solomon shows a Javanese name. Prefix the word 'su'merupakan Java names. And, Solomon is the only prophet and apostles were 25 people, whose names start with 'Su'. Ninth, Solomon sent a letter to the Queen of Saba through bird Hud-hud. "Go with this letter." (Surah An-Naml [27]: 28). According to Fahmi, the letter was written on plates of gold as a form of wealth of Solomon. He added that the letter was found in a pond at the Temple of Queen Boko. (See Figure top)bokoKesepuluh temple, the building is low (Sidrin qalil). See Surah Saba [34] 16) meant that the tree is "building". The building that is low it is the region Ratu Boko temple. And there are a number of stupas staying slightly. "This proves that the Ratu Boko Palace is a palace of the Queen of Saba were transferred on the orders of Suleiman," said Fahmi asserted.In addition to the above evidence, Fahmi said, there are many other evidence that shows that the story of the Queen of Sheba and Solomon occurred in Indonesia. As the wind Monsoon blowing from Asia and Australia (Surah Saba [34]: 12), the story of the castle is lost or removed, dialog Queen Bilqis with his superiors when he received a letter Sulaiman (Surah An-Naml [27]: 32), the name Sleman, District Salaman, the village of Salam, and others.Eleventh, the flood "... then we bring them a great flood ..." (QS.34: 16). In Yemen mentioned the flooding caused the collapse of the Ma'rib Dam (dam of gintung situ) but this kind of flood that is too small to destroy a country. But in Indonesia floods that there are very large flood that inundated plains / shallow Sunda, resulting in Indonesia is divided into many islands. The historical fact revealed that it used archipelago is a vast land territory before becoming archipelago.Twelfth, evidence that the country saba 'has been destroyed sehancur-destruction. "So we made them the subject of gossip and we destroy them sehancur-destruction. Verily in this is truly there are signs of the power of God for everyone who patiently again grateful. "(QS.34: 19). In Indonesia, the fact is clear that the area that was once one Nusan tara mainland, after a major flood in the ice age is divided into 17,000 islands. From 1 to 17,000. in the history of the world has never been a land because of an incident then caused splits into 17,000 parts. This is the meaning of the destroyed sehancur-destruction. Semantara in Yemen there is no such fact.Thirteenth, "... We bataskan her journey ..." (QS.34: 18). After the deluge, the overland journey, be limited because the islands are restricted oceans. While in Yemen not ditemukakan this fact.Fourteenth letter of the Prophet Solomon fatherly Queen Balqis. "Says he (Balqis):" O ye princes, has actually dropped me a noble letter. Indeed it is from SuIaiman and indeed (as follows): "Bismillahirrahmaanirrahiim" (Qur'an, 27: 29-30).

Rabu, 30 Maret 2016

Attractions, Bedugul, Garden, Botanical Garden: Bedugul Kebun Raya Eka Karya Bali

Bedugul Botanical Garden (Kebun Raya Eka Karya) is a large tropical botanic park in Bali located at Bedugul area, Candikuning village, Baturiti Tabanan regency, in the middle of Bali island about 56 km from Denpasar city. Bedugul Bali Botanical Garden also well known as Eka Karya botanical gardens is located at an altitude of 1250-1450 above sea level, with an area of ​​157.5 hectares. Daytime temperatures in kebun raya Bedugul is between 17-25 C and nighttime 10-15 C, with a humidity of 70-90%. Because the weather is hard to predict, visitors are adviced to always prepare warm clothes, umbrella or raincoat. To reach the location of Bedugul Botanical Garden, visitors are adviced to use taxi, car, motorbike or tourist bus because public transportation is not convenient due to irregular schedule. The other places of interest surrounding Bedugul area are Ulun Danu temple, Beratan lake and Bedugul fruits and vegetables market

History Bedugul Bali Botanic Garden - Kebun Raya Eka Karya

The history of Bedugul botanical garden Bali was started by the idea of Prof.Ir. Kusnoto Setyodiwiryo, President of the Board of the Environmental Research Center who is also the Head of the Indonesian Botanic Gardens, and I Made Taman (the Head of the Board of Environmental Conservation and Preservation) to set up a branch of the Botanical Gardens outside Java, in this case is Bali. Approach to the Provincial Government of Bali starting in 1955, until finally in 1958 the authorities in Bali is officially offer to the Board of the Environmental Research Center to establish the Botanical Gardens in Bali.
Under the agreement, specified location of the Botanical Garden covers an area of ​​50 hectares of forest and reforestation Candikuning directly adjacent to the Nature Reserve Batukau. Right on the date of July 15, 1959 Botanic Garden "Eka Karya" Bali was inaugurated by Prof. Ir. Kusnoto Setyodiwiryo, Director of the Institute for Nature Research Center as a realization of the decree of Head Regional Level 1 Bali 19 January 1959 No. 19/E.3/2/4.

Selasa, 29 Maret 2016

Renon Denpasar Bali Restaurants Ikan Bakar Cianjur or IBC, is a name for this restaurant that may seem rarely heard or desirable to be enjoyed.

Ikan Bakar Cianjur or IBC is a name for this restaurant that may seem rarely heard or desirable to be enjoyed. But quietly this restaurant actually become one of the favorite eating places to enjoy a menu of seafood and other archipelago tastes. If in Surabaya, Ikan Bakar Cianjur already exist in various regions. We have also been present in the capital Jakarta. Similarly, on the island of Bali, Ikan Bakar Cianjur now present on the road Sunset Road. Ikan Bakar Cianjur always quickly and easily recognizable as a symbol and color that is typical and clearly displayed in front of the restaurant, so Openricers would have difficulty to find it. Ikan Bakar Cianjur on the island of Bali has a very, very broad, so as to accommodate as many visitors. And do not be surprised look keramaiannya, because during lunch hours would also dinner this place is always crowded, not only by domestic tourists, but also foreign tourists. That is why Ikan Bakar Cianjur can be regarded as one of the favorites menu in any city.
Ikan Bakar Cianjur also called the restaurant Tempo Doeloe, because there is already a long time. The regular menu is booked by the visitors Gurame Fish Fry, in addition to savory and flavor marinade that fit perfectly on the tongue, with fresh vegetables and chili paste tomato typical style IBC, make carp fry have tasted very delicious.
In addition, they also serve food menu a la archipelago others, such as tofu egg, karedok, fried rice, fried noodles, tofu and tempeh fried, sauteed vegetables, fried chicken, squid, shrimp, mutton or beef, and a variety of menu dishes other fish. Almost all the food menu a la resto Ikan Bakar Cianjur delicious taste and fitting the tongue. So do not hesitate to choose a diet according to their likes and tastes Openricers respectively.
Of course, not only a special food menu, drink menu dish Ikan Bakar Cianjur style was no less interesting to try, there is ice mixed shanghai style IBC presented in an attractive way and will be a fitting choice to be enjoyed with food menu. Assorted fruit juice and fresh fruit is not less interesting to enjoy. The price can be said to be too expensive, considering the taste of the food menu is very tasty and fitting the tongue, so it is certainly worth the price. Almost left behind, near the front door, there is also a selection of breads that are not less delicious, minatkan OpenRicers eat here?

Jumat, 18 Maret 2016

The Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School

The mission of the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School is to train doctors who, when graduate, will have acquired the knowledge, skills and professional behavior that will enable them to provide humanistic care, practice excellent clinical medicine and demonstrate competence in medical research. The MedicalSchool expects, therefore, its graduates to be able to integrate into medical systems which combine clinical service with teaching and medical research, and that they will be partners in development and management at the institutional and national levels.
The aims of the clinical studies are to provide the students with medical knowledge, clinical skills, ethical values in patient-doctor and doctor-society relations, and personal academic integrity.
The amount of present-day knowledge is considerable. The study program cannot provide all the existing knowledge and certainly not all the future knowledge. Therefore, the study program is designed also to provide the skills for individual, integrative and critical study.

Kamis, 17 Maret 2016

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Modern day Dog-Fights Release date 03.03.2016
In the past, "Dog fights" shared characteristics such as shooting missiles with short distances between aircraft. Today, the systems are more advanced and air-to-air missiles can be launched dozens of kilometers away from the target. How is this done?
Nadav Shaham | Translation: Ofri Aharon
Today's "Dogfights" are very different from the past. If once it consisted of short distance missile shooting and small distances between aircraft, with the help of advanced weapon systems, now, aircrew members don't see their opposition and air-to-air missiles can be launched dozens of kilometers away from their targets.

Photography: Archive

Modern "Dogfights" training is called advanced air-to-air training in professional terms due to their use of weapon systems, missiles and advanced means. This past week, the "First Fighter" Squadron and the "Bat" squadron, who operate the F-16C/D, and the "Hammers" Squadron, which operates the F-15I, conducted such an exercise to prepare for the modern threats.

With that, the combat squadrons are still training for the older "Dogfights" in a training exercise called "Basics", because even though there is a low possibility that such a fight would occur through their service, they are required to develop and maintain the skills that are considered complex and important for their squadron's abilities.

Photography: Archive

Flying safeDue to the fact that they are extremely complicated, advanced air-to-air training exercises have great safety risks such as aircraft passing one another in close distances at high speeds and short distances. Thus, there are clear safety regulations defined in the rules and regulations of the IAF. "In comparison to the past, in which the regulations were less clear which caused far more accidents and safety events throughout trainings, today the regulations are very clear", stated Lt. Col. Ilan, Head of Flight Safety Branch in the headquarters.

Other than the written rules and regulations, the IAF is taking another step towards safety, the cultural side of flight. Within a new program called "flight control" which is being led by the "Knights of the North" Squadron, aircrew members are learning how to stay aware of everything happening around them. "Just like driving a car, when you see a car parked on the side of the road, there is no law that states you must move to the next lane, however, if you are cautious you would do so yourself", explained Lt. Col. Ilan.
Using the advanced systems in modern aircraft which help the combat WSOs and pilots with the in terms of safety, it is possible to distinguish that in past few decades there has been a reduction in safety events in "Dogfights" trainings. "We've identified a reduction of 10% of safety events every year in the past 30 years. At the end of the day, maintaining our safety improves the level of trainings and advances the squadron in the operational sense", concluded Lt. Col. Ilan.

Photography: Archive