Kamis, 07 Januari 2016

List of Hospitals and Physicians in Jerusalem Consular District (Includes West Bank and Gaza)


Medical Information


List of Hospitals and Physicians in Jerusalem Consular District (Includes West Bank and Gaza)

The Consular district of the American Consulate General in Jerusalem comprises the city of Jerusalem and the West Bank. This partial listing of doctors practicing in that district is for the information of American citizens who find themselves in need of medical assistance.

The list below (revised 2006) gives information on hospitals, pharmacies and doctors of different specialties including their addresses, working hours, educational background, languages spoken and other pertinent information.

The Consulate assumes no responsibility for the professional ability or integrity of the institutions or physicians included in this list. The order of names of the institutions or the physicians mentioned in this list is of no significance.


Jerusalem and Israel: "Magen David Adom" 24 hours service. Telephone # 101 Other ambulance services in Jerusalem tel. 02-628-2222
West Bank cities: call 101 or one of the following numbers:
Bethlehem: 02-274-4222; Hebron: 02-222-7288; Jenin: 04-250-2601; Jericho: 02-232-1170; Nablus: 09-238-0399; Qalqilya: 09-294-0440; Ramallah: 02-240-0666; Tulkarem: 09-267-2140.
The Gaza Strip: call 101 or 08-286-3633

TEREM Immediate Medical Care: TEREM Immediate Medical Care Center; tel. 02-652-1748, fax. 02-653-5078. Located at the Magen David Adom Building, 7 Ha-Memgimmel St., Romema, Jerusalem. Email: nahkov@isdn.net.il; website: http://www.terem.bizland.com  (Several more regular business hours clinics in Jerusalem, Maale Adumim, Modiin and Beit Shemesh) This center treats around-the-clock emergencies providing urgent medical assessments, care for acute injuries, and orthopedics; X-ray, ultrasound and laboratory facilities are available on the premises. Equipment available for extended observation, e.g., for monitoring head trauma and cardiac irregularities. Other services provided are radiology, internal medicine, pediatrics, infectious disease, nephrology, obstetrics and gynecology.
  • ALYN Hospital: a pediatric and adolescent rehabilitation center. A 93-bed hospital for in-patients plus services to outpatients such as multidisciplinary rehabilitation services. Shmariyahu Levin Street, Kiryat Hayovel, 91090 Jerusalem. General tel. #02-649-4222, fax. 02-643-7338; Public Relations tel. #02-649-4224, fax. 02-643-3653. Email: alyn@netvision.net.il; Website: http://www.alyn.org/.
  • Augusta Victoria Hospital – Jerusalem: Tel: 02- 6279911, Fax: 6279959, General Hospital, 164 beds, Email: tnasser@avh.org , Website: www.avh.org. Surgical Department - General surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, Urology surgery, Pediatric surgery, Gynecological surgery, Thoracic and vascular surgery. Ear, Nose and Throat Department - General ENT Surgery, Microsurgery of the Ear, Nose Surgery, Reconstructive surgery of the nose head and neck. Internal Medicine Department- General Internal Medicine, Adult Nephrology & Dialysis unit, Medical Oncology, Gastroenterology & Endoscopes, Non-invasive Cardiology, High Dependency Unit, Sub-acute / Long term care unit, Social Work, Physical Therapy Pediatric Department, General Pediatrics, Pediatric Nephrology, Pediatric Neurology & Electro-Encephalogram Laboratory, Pediatric Intensive Care (in process). Outpatient and Emergency Department -Emergency Room, Specialty Clinics, Lung function Laboratory, Audiometer Laboratory, Anesthesia Department, Radiology Department, Medical Laboratory Department and Medical Education Program.
  • Bikur Cholim Hospital : Tel # 670-1111, 5 Strauss St. Fax. #624-2726 (religious affiliation). In-patient and outpatient clinics for internal medicine, gynecology, obstetrics, pediatrics and emergency room. E.N.T. clinic. No surgery or orthopedic departments.
  • Hadassah Medical Organization: Operates two hospitals in Jerusalem. "Hadassah" Provides medical treatment and medical research. Established and supported by Hadassah Women's Zionist Organization of America. Appointment Center: 02-584-2111. Patients' Representative: 02-677-7555. Donors, Events and Visitors Center: 02-677-6019/20. External Relations: tel. 02-677-6080, fax. 02-677-7013. Website: www.hadassah.org.il/English; Email: pr1@hadassah.org.il
  • Hadassah University Hospital – Ein Kerem: Tel. 02-677-7111. Fax. 02-643-4434. A 700-bed tertiary hospital. 130 sub-specialties, all-patient clinics, 100 out-patient clinics, A-1 level Trauma Unit, Emergency Medicine Center, 17 operating rooms, 9 specialized intensive care units, Center for pediatric metabolic diseases, Hemato-Oncology Institute, Gene-Therapy Institute. Private Consultation Service (Sharap), tel. 02-677-8899.
  • Hadassah University Hospital – Mt. Scopus: Tel. 02-584-4111, Fax. 02-582-3515. A 300-bed community hospital. In-patient and outpatient services, emergency room, surgery intensive care unit, 6 operation rooms, center for computer-guided joint replacements, center for pediatric chronic diseases. Private Consultation Service (Sharap), tel. 02-584-4940. Patients arriving at the ER are asked to register and pay the current rate for ER care. If x-rays or tests are needed, payment is in advance. ALWAYS ask for receipts in English for claiming the money back from your insurance company.
  • Makassed Hospital - Mount of Olives: Tel #627-0202; Fax.6288392. A 250-bed hospital with in-patient and out-patient services, including internal medicine, normal nursery, general surgery, cardiovascular and neuro-surgery, orthopedics, urology, pathology, pediatrics, obstetrics, gynecology, general laboratory, cardiac cauterization laboratory, X-ray facilities, blood bank, physiotherapy, metabolic, genetic lab, open heart surgery laparoscopic, plastic and reconstructive surgery, and shock wave resolution. Intensive care units and six operating theaters are also available. Twenty four-hour emergency room. Email: Makassed@p-ol.com, Dr. Haitham Al – Hasan.
  • Sarah Herzog Hospital: Givat Shaul St, Jerusalem. Tel. 02-531-6875, Fax. 02-652-1881. Comprehensive geriatric and psychiatric, 330-bed facility located at the entrance to Jerusalem. Services cover physical and occupational rehabilitation, acute geriatric care, complex nursing, neurogeriatrics (including Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases) and all forms of dementia. Psychiatric services consist of separate men's and women's psychiatry departments, the National Center for the Treatment of Chronic Depression, and a halfway house. The Community Mental Health Center provides a full range of counseling services for all ages, from children with ADHD to adults with various psychological problems. The Israel Center for the Treatment of Psycho trauma provides outpatient care to those affected by traumatic events such as terrorist attacks and domestic violence. Website: www.herzoghospital.org. Email: info@herzoghospital.org.
  • Sh'aare Zedek Medical Center: Tel #655-5111; Fax. 651-3946. Department of Public Relations: Tel. 02-655-5432, Fax. 652-2950. Off Herzl Boulevard, Bayit Vegan; P.O. Box 3235, 91031 Jerusalem. Website: www.szmc.org.il. Email: pr@szmc.org.il. Affiliates with Ben-Gurion University's Faculty of Health Sciences. A 500 bed facility, Shaare Zedek Medical Center is located on a 14 acre campus across from Mt. Herzl and is centrally located in Jerusalem. The hospital treats more than 200,000 patients annually through its inpatient and outpatient operations. The Center has earned international recognition for excellence in treating a variety of specialties including cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery, women’s health, neonatology, oncology and palliative medicine, medical genetics, pediatric neurology, pediatric nephrology, laparoscopic surgery, hand surgery and Gaucher's Disease. With a name meaning “Gates of Righteousness’,” Shaare Zedek adheres strongly to Jewish precepts of openness and welcomes patients of all races and religions.
  • St. Joseph's French Hospital - Sheikh Jarrah: Tel # 582-8188; 582-8407/8; Fax. 582-8866. P.O. Box 19264. (Religious Affiliation), A private, 73-bed hospital with three main operating theaters, Coronary Care unit, X-ray, laboratory facilities, and Outpatient Clinic. Facilities Internal medicine, Surgery, Neurosurgery, E.N.T., Pediatric Surgery and orthopedics. No pediatric care. No maternity section. Email: stjoseph@shabaka.net or ashoufani@stjoseph.cc. Director General: Dr. Jamil Kousa.


    Private Medical Services and Specialties (The Jerusalem Medical Cente): Tel #563-6265. Fax. #561-9686. 9 Diskin St., Merkaz Shalom Mayer, Kiryat Wolfson. Private, non-denominational healthcare center providing comprehensive health services including: family physicians, surgical consultation clinics with fully equipped operating room facilities, E.N.T., plastic surgery, ob/gyn, urology, ophthalmology, dermatology, orthopedics, geriatric physiotherapy rehabilitation, podiatry, gastroenterology, on site x-ray and medical laboratory, full range of psychological services. American/Canadian management, English-speaking staff.
  • Al-Hussein/Government Hospital: Beit Jala. General. Tel. 02-274-1161 / 2 / 3., Fax. 02-277-6399, 02- 2742434, Beit Jala , PO Box 667 Bethlehem.
  • Caritas Baby Hospital: Caritas Street. Bethlehem, Caritas Street, PO Box 84. Pediatrics. Tel. 02-275-8500/ 05, fax:02-275-8501, Email: cbheld@netvision.net.il
  • Beit Sahour Medical Center: General. Alsha'eb Market, Beit Sahour. General Director: Dr. Majed Nassar. PO Box 44; Tel. 02-277-4442/3/4, fax. 02-277-5567,
    E-mail: bsmc@p-ol.com.

  • Al Ahli Hospital: General hospital, Surgical, medical, pediatric, gynecology and outpatient clinics, (108 beds). Tel. 02-222-0212/5, 02-222-4555,02-222-7671-3, Fax: 02-222-9247. Website: http://www.ahli.orgorg. Email: info@ahli.org
  • Amira Alia Hospital: General hospital, 182 beds, Emergency room, 5 Operation rooms, Surgery, Gynecology ICU, CCU, King Faisal Street. Tel. 02-222-81226/7, 02 –222-0345, Fax: 02-222-7226.
  • Mohammad Ali Muhtaseb Hospital: Hebron, Pediatrics, Emergency, Pediatric Surgery (60 beds). Tel: 02- 02-222-0246 / 0323, 02-222-0104/0101; Fax. 02-222-0107. Email: mailto:mohtasebhospital@yahoo.com.
  • Zatari Maternity Hospital: Hebron. Telefax. 02-222-7279/9035. Email: zatari@p-ol.com.
  • Jenin Government Hospital: in Jenin. General hospital. Tel: 04-250-1057/3375/76, 04-2346636.
  • Al – Amal Hospital – Jenin – Surgery, Genecology, Laboratory, X Ray Unit and neurology, Emergency Room Tel: 04- 2503680 / 04- 2346104 / 1740, Tel & Fax: 04- 2502121, Email: pfsjenin@palnet.com.
  • Al Razi Hospital – Jenin – Tel: 04-250-2653/4, 04- 250-05055, Fax: 04- 250- 2652, Ar- Razi Street, Jenin, Email: razihosp@hotmail.com.
  • Al- Shifa Hospital – Jenin – Tel: 04-250-1004/2, Fax: 04-2436430, Muhatta Station, Email: Shifacenter@yahoo.com.
  • Jericho Government Hospital: Jericho. General hospital (50 beds). Tel. 02-232-1966-9, fax. 02-232-1971.
  • Al-Itihad Hospital: in Nablus city. A 106 beds general hospital. Tel # 09-237-1491 or 02-238-8136; fax # 09-237-6155. Outpatient unit, Pediatric section, Surgery, Internal Medicine, Orthopedic, Delivery Section, Neonate, laboratories, Blood bank and Emergency Room. Email: info@awus1921.org, Website (Arabic only): www.awus1921.org. Director General: Dr. Yousef Abdulrahman.
  • Al-Watani Hospital: in Nablus city. Internal & Pediatrics, 94 beds, Tel. 09-2380039 / 3599/ 4836/ 5837 and Fax # 09-2385836, PO Box 27, Nablus. Email:watani@zaytona.com Head: Dr. Samir Khayat.
  • St. Lukes Evangelical Hospital: in Nablus city. General hospital (65 beds). Tel. 09-238-3818/ 09- 2383578, Fax. 09-237-7752. Email: slh@zaytona.com.
  • Rafidia Hospital: in Nablus city. General (165). Tel. 09-239-0390; fax. 09-239-0316, P.O Box 588 Nablus. Surgery, Normal Delivery, Incubators Notates, Burn Unit, Plastic Surgery, Maxillofacial Surgery, Optical Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Neurosurgery, ENT and urology Surgery.
  • UNRWA Hospital: in Qalqilya. General hospital, (63 beds). Tel: 09-294-0008, 09-294-0966 /2491. Fax. 09-294-2492.
  • Ramallah Government Hospital: in Ramallah. General hospital. Tel. 02-298-2222 or cellular telephone 0599-204-211. Fax. 02-2957942, PO Box 36 Ramallah.
  • Arabcare Hospital, ArabCare Medical Services Co: Al – Nahda Street, Ramallah, PO Box 2832, Jerusalem. Tel. 02-298-6419, Fax. 02-298-6424. Email: info@arabcare.com.
  • Ramallah Trauma Center – Sheikh Zayed Hospital:, Hospital Street Ramallah. Tel. 02-298-8088, 02-296-6940/1, Fax. 02-296-6949.
  • Al-Mustaqbal Hospital: Al- Balou’ opposite A-Nimer Supermarket, tel. 02-2404562/3, fax 02-2404564.
  • Medical Relief and Prevention Diagnostic Center: Ersal Street, Assia Bldg., 2nd floor, Ramallah. Tel: 02-296-0336/ 1666, fax. 02-296-0335. Email: kteish&yahoo.com Website:http://www.pmrs.ps.
  • Modern Dental Center: Ahliyeh College Street, Cairo-Amman Bldg, Ramallah, tel. 298-0630, fax. 02-298-0631. Emails: dr_feras@hotmail.com
  • Mu'Salam Specialized Center for Eye Surgery: Mikhmas Bldg., 3rd floor, Ramallah.
    Telefax. 02-298-6838, Tel: 02 -2971164. musallam_eye_c@hotmail.com.

  • Dr. Thabet Thabet Hospital: Paris Street, Tulkarem. General, (64 beds).
    Tel. 09-267-1777/ 022/ 09- 6272212/22 ; Fax # 09-267-3121.
  • Tulkarem Red Crescent Hospital: in Tulkarem. (26 beds) Tel. 09-672-620 /622, Fax # 09-2680144. Gynecology.
  • Al- Ahli Arabi Hospital: Gaza City, General hospital, General Curative medication, Outpatient clinic, Pediatric, Urology, Community Preventative Program , General Surgery 80 beds, Te: 08- 2820235 / 0326 / 63014, Fax: 08-2822321, Email:suhaila@palnet.com. Palestine Square, PO BOX 72, Gaza city.
  • Al Amal City Hospital: (Red Crescent), Gaza, Tel: 08-2054895/670/621, Fax: 08- 2054621, Alamal Street, Khan Younis, PO Box 9007 Gaza.
  • European Gaza Hospital (EGH): Khan Younis, Accident & Emergency (24 hours). Outpatients Services and Day Care Unit.Surgery: General Surgery, Orthopedics, Urology, Pediatric Surgery, ENT & Audiometry, Ophthalmology and Vascular Surgery. General & Specialized Internal Medicine: Rheumatology, Gastroenterology, Dermatology and Photo Therapy. Oncology Hematology: Adult Oncology, Pediatric Oncology, Adult Hematology and Pediatric Hematology. Obstetrics & Gynecology. Pediatrics, Neonatology, SCBU. Radiology Services: Conventional Radiology, Fluoroscopy, Ultrasound, C.T scan.
  • Laboratory Services: Routine Lab. Tests, Advanced Lab. Tests, Histopathology. Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. Tel: 08-2054495, 08-2054525, Email: info@egh.gov.ps,
    Website: www.egh.gov.ps
    PO Box 5375 Gaza.
  • Al - Nasser Hospital: Gaza City, General, 186 beds, Pediatric, ICU, Cancer, Kidneys, Cardiology, Tel: 08-2879641-3, Fax: 08-2879647, Mobile: 0599-750702.
  • Al Wafa’ Medical Rehabilitation Hospital: Shijaia Gaza, Tel: 08- 2804140/41, Fax; 08-2801189. Email: wafa1@palnet.com, P.O Box: 1051 , Shijaiah Gaza.
  • Al Noor City Hospital (Red Crescent): Tal Elhawa, Gaza, Tel: 08-2838824, Fax: 08-2834095, Email: abedh@palestinercs.org . Jame’at Aldowal Arabai Street, PO Box 5022 Gaza.
  • Gaza Community Mental Health Program (GCMHP): Mental Health, Training, Public Awareness, Therapy, Research, Work with victims of human rights abuses, Traumatized children, Clinics, Women centers in Gaza, Beach camp and Rafah. Tel: 08-2865949 / 24703/ 25700, Fax: 08-2824072, Email: eyad@gcmhp.net or rana@gcmhp.net, Po Box 1049 Gaza City.
  • Right to live Society for Downs Syndrome Children: Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation, day care center with special education, consultative and awareness programs. Tel: 08- 2807011, Fax: 08-2807010, Email: mail@rightolive.org
    Website: www.rightolive.org. PO Box 1021, Ar-Rimal, Gaza.
  • Union of Health Works Committees: Gaza, Al-Yarmouk Street; tel:08-2824272, fax:08-2869220, Email: info@gaza-health.org, P.O. Box: 5123, Gaza. A Non Government Organization operating a hospital (Al-‘Awdah) and four medical centers, each focusing on targeted health care services within the community: the Al-Quds Medical Center (housing theAl-Hayah Center for Women), Al-Assria Medical Center, Allehdan Center for Medical and Community Services and Al-‘Awdah Medical Center.
For detailed information, please refer to the Consulate's "Counseling List", now available at our Section of American Citizen Services. Ask us while in our office or call 02-622-7200 and we will mail the list upon request.
  • The Jerusalem Mental Health Center - Kfar Shaul Psychiatric Hospital, affiliated with the Hebrew University and Hadassah Medical School: Givat Shaul, 91060 Jerusalem. Tel. 02-655-1551, Fax. 02-651-2274. The hospital provides multi-professional treatments in the miscellaneous fields of mental health: individual, group and family treatments in various kinds of technology, pharmacology, psychotherapy, nursing, occupational therapy, different arts therapy and a range of social services. Hospital’s wards are the Emergency Room, tel. number 02-655-1513, the Protected Active Ward, Open Active Wards, Active Psycho-Geriatric Ward, Long-Termed Wards and Miscellaneous Occupational Therapy Projects.
  • Mental Health Hospital: Bethlehem, Tel: 02-2741155/6, Fax: 02-2741657, P.O.BOX 60, Bethlehem. The hospital provides professional treatments in the miscellaneous fields of mental health, psychiatric and epilepsy.
Reliable, well-stocked pharmacies are available in Jerusalem and its suburbs. A few are closed in the mid-afternoon, but a rotating duty pharmacy remains open nights and holidays. The Jerusalem Post newspaper publishes a list of such pharmacies daily. All pharmacies are registered with the government and are considered reliable. Check the following Internet link for a list of Jerusalem’s 62 pharmacies, maps are included for some (click “show all sites”): show all sites.

Below are some well-known pharmacies in Jerusalem:
  • Al-Jazeera, 2 Abu Obieda St. Jerusalem Tel: 02-6263219
  • Alba 42 Jaffa Road Tel. 02-625-3703
  • Assuta 12 King George St Tel. 02-625-4872
  • Balsam 28 Salah El-Din St. Tel. 02-627-2315 / 6284552
  • Central Salah El Din St Tel. 02-628-2196 - Across from flower shop
  • Dar El Dawa - Herod's Gate - Old City of Jerusalem Tel. 02-628-2058, or at 27 King George Street Tel. 02-625-9999
  • Super Pharm - 2nd Floor, The Malha Mall Tel. 02-679-3262
  • Al-Jazeera, 2 Abu Obieda St. Jerusalem Tel: 02-6263219


  • NAME: Alla W. Schuman, D.D.S
    ADDRESS: Harlap #5, Rehavia, Jerusalem
    TELEPHONE: 02-563-4445.
    SPECIALTY: General Dentistry, emphasis on Cosmetic Dentistry and
    BACKGROUND: D.D.S. University of Maryland, 1985. B.A., Yeshiva
    University, 1981. Private Practice in Jerusalem since 1999.
    1987 – 1999 Private practice in New York City.
    WORKING HOURS: Sunday through Thursday: 9:00am - 17:30pm.
    Call for an appointment. Emergencies seen promptly.
    CHARGES: Depends on the individual case.
    LANGUAGES: English and Hebrew.
  • NAME: Elie Dibsy
    ADDRESS: 3 El Zahra Street, Jerusalem.P.O.Box 19217
    TELEFAX: 628-4144 office, cellular 050-541-1230, 583-3588 home
    E-MAIL: dredibsy@netvision.net.il
    SPECIALTY: Oral and Dental Surgery / General Dentistry.
    BACKGROUND: D.D.S Beirut. Postgraduate School of Stomatology of
    Paris/France. Georgetown University. University of
    California Medical School - San Francisco. Fellow of the
    International College of Dentists. National Secretary and
    Counsel member of the International Association of
    Stomatology, Paris.
    WORKING HOURS:Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 9:00am - 1:00pm, and
    3:30 pm - 6:30pm. Wednesday, Saturday 9am – 1:00pm.
    CHARGES: Depends on the individual case.
    LANGUAGES: English, French, Arabic, Spanish and Italian.
  • NAME: Louis Gold
    ADDRESS: 12 Shamai Street, Entrance C, Jerusalem
    TELEPHONE: 02-624-2466, 054-499-0935
    SPECIALTY: Dental surgery / General Dentistry
    BACKGROUND: DMD Tel Aviv University; specialized in dental implants in Tel
    Aviv University; MA in Reiki and biogonomy, Jerusalem; Member of
    the European Association of Dental Implantation; Specialized in
    hypnotism, pain control, special techniques, Tel Aviv
    University; Pediatric dentistry, orthodontics and prosthesis,
    Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Clinic has laboratory for
    prosthesis repairs.
    WORKING HOURS:By prior appointment
    LANGUAGES: Hebrew, English, Romanian
  • NAME: Ari Greenspan
    ADDRESS: Malha Hi-Tech Park, The Tower (Bldg. #5), 5th floor, 96951
    TELEPHONE: 02-679-8040
    FAX: 02-563-3119
    E-MAIL: ari@tekhelet.com
    SPECIALTY: General Dentistry
    BACKGROUND: University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, 1988;
    continuing education courses. Serves as dentist in U.S. Army
    Reserves. Private practice in Jerusalem since 1988.
    WORKING HOURS:call for an appointment.
    CHARGES: Depends on the individual case.
    LANGUAGES: English, Hebrew, some Yiddish and Spanish. Clinic's staff
    speaks German.
  • NAME: Moshe Kuntzuker
    ADDRESS: 1 Golda Meir Blvd
    TELPHONE: 02-538-3737,538-3535; Fax.537-1280
    SPECIALTY: General Dentistry & Orthodonics.
    BACKGROUND: Graduate of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
    WORKING HOURS:Call for appointment. Hours – Sun-Thurs: 8 a.m. –
    8 p.m.; Fri – 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.
    CHARGES: Depends on the individual case.
    LANGUAGES: Hebrew, English, Spanish, Russian and Yiddish.
  • NAME: Eyal Tagari
    ADDRESS: 24 Ben Maimon Blvd., Jerusalem 92261
    FAX: 02-567-0994/5
    MOBILE: 052-282-4055
    E-MAIL: eyal97@inter.net.il eyal@tagarindent.co.il
    SPECIALTY: Prosthodontist, oral rehabilitation
    BACKGROUND: Attended undergraduate program at Hadassah University Dental
    School, Jeruslem (’80-’83); graduate studiens at Hadassah
    University (’80-’86); postgraduate program in Prosthodonics,
    Hadassah (’89-’93). In 1995 appointed by Israeli court as an
    Expert Consultant in matters of appraisal, evaluation, and
    brokeraeg, concerning periodontics and restorative dentistry.
    In 1996 opened private clinic, specializing in preventative
    dentistry, Oral Rehabilitation and Esthetic Dentistry.
    WORKING HOURS:Call for appointment.
    CHARGES: Depends on the individual case.
    LANGUAGES: Hebrew and English
  • NAME: Charles Rosen
    ADDRESS: 41 King George St.
    TELEPHONE: 624-4756 office, 5611345 home (24 hrs phone).
    SPECIALTY: General Dentistry and Orthodontics.
    BACKGROUND: Graduate from New York University B.A., D.D.S., and M.S. in Post
    Graduate Orthodontics; U.S. Army Dental Corps; private practice
    Lawrence, NY.
    WORKING HOURS:Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday: 8:00am - 11:00am and
    1:00pm - 5:00pm. Friday: 8:00am - 1:00pm.
    CHARGES: Depends on the individual case.
    LANGUAGES: Hebrew, English, Yiddish, German and French.
  • NAME: Karin Ziskind; Daniel Ziskind
    ADDRESS: 10 Mesilat Yesharin
    TELPHONE: 02-625-1625, Home: 02-533-2828
    FAX: 02-533-2827
    E-MAIL: Daniel@cc.huji.ac.il
    SPECIALTY: Dr. Karin Ziskind: Pediatric Dentist
    Dr. Daniel Ziskind: Prosthodontist, Regular Dentistry
    BACKGROUND: Dr. Karin Ziskind: undergraduate studies at George August
    University, Gottingen, Germany (1980); graduate studies at
    Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem (1990). In 1988-89 worked at
    the American Army Hospital in Berlin, Germany. Dr. Daniel
    Ziskind: undergraduate studies in George August University,
    Gottingen, Germany (1983); graduate studies in Hadassah Medical
    Center, Jerusalem. In 1988-89 served as a research affiliate in
    the Free University Klinik – Nord, Berlin, Germany.
    WORKING HOURS:Call or e-mail for appointment:
    Dr. Karin: Sun – 8-5 Tue – 12-6 Wed – 8 – 2:30
    Dr. Daniel: Mon – 4-8 Wed- 4-8 Fri- 8-1
    CHARGES: Depends on the individual case
    LANGUAGES: English, French, German, Polish, and Hebrew.

  • NAME: Akram A. Ghabboun
    ADDRESS: Ikmais Building, Bethlehem (P.O. Box 637)
    TELEPHONE: Clinic: 02-743283 – recording in English and Arabic asking to
    leave a message; residence: 02-743260. Mobile # 054-731-0777
    SPECIALTY: Dentistry
    BACKGROUND: Practice since 1975; Peridoltgy and Oral Surgery Department; 6
    months course at Whipps Cross Hospital, London University 1980.
    WORKING HOURS:Morning hours at the UNRWA Clinic in Hebron; Mondays -
    Saturdays: 15:30pm to 19:00pm at the private clinic.
    CHARGES: Depends on the Individual case
    LANGUAGES: Arabic and English
  • NAME: Adnan Maswadeh
    ADDRESS: Abu Mounshar Building, Beer Al-Houmos St., Hebron
    TELEPHONE: 02- 2251324 (home) 02- 222-5645 (office)
    SPCEIALTY: Ear, nose and throat.
    BACKGROUND: Graduate of medical school in Syria. Member of Syria Board
    and of Jordan Medical Association.
    WORKING HOURS:Saturdays to Thursdays: 09:00am - 14:00pm.
    CHARGES: Depends on the individual case.
    LANGUAGES: Arabic and English.
  • NAME: Michael Goldsmith
    ADDRESS: 4 Naomi St.Jerusalem
    TELEFAX: 02-672-5553 or cellular telephone #052-240-6861 at all hours.
    SPECIALTY: Family Medicine, Acupunture (for pain and weight loss) & Laser
    BACKGROUND: Graduated at Monash University, Melbourne; passed the American
    Educational Council for Foreign Medical Grads examination '73;
    was registered as a medical practitioner in Victoria, Aust.;
    completed the fellowship program of the Royal Australian College
    of G.P's; passed the required examination in order to practice
    medicine in Israel.
    WORKING HOURS:By appointments only.
    CHARGES: Depends on the individual case (approx.$50); also prepared and
    fully equipped to do home calls.
    LANGUAGES: English, Hebrew and Yiddish.
  • NAME: Nabil J. Naser
    ADDRESS: Salah El Din St., P.O.Box 19557, Jerusalem.
    TELEPHONE: 628-3210 clinic, mobile – 054-525-3893
    SPECIALTY: General practice.
    BACKGROUND: Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons and the Royal
    College of Physicians of Ireland. Served 4 years with the
    Jordanian Arab Army 1966. At present, private practice since
    1966 and part time voluntary work with the International
    Christian Committee.
    WORKING HOURS:Saturday through Thursday: 9:00am - 1:00pm; Friday: Off.
    CHARGES: Depends on the individual case.
    LANGUAGES: Arabic and English.
  • NAME: C.B. Sherer
    ADDRESS: 10 Jabotinsky St., Talbieh,92142 Jerusalem
    TELEPHONE: 563-6463
    FAX: 566-4459
    SPECIALTY: General.
    BACKGROUND: MD Middlesex Hospital, London University 1945. Hospital and army
    service, general practice, Auckland, New Zealand 1947-61
    (including electro-cardiography); 1962 Hadassah Medical
    Organization, Jerusalem. Since then private general practice in
    Jerusalem (E.C.G. and minor surgery). X-ray clinic attached to
    office, with consultant radiologist. Laboratory attached to
    office. Medical Consultant U.N., British Consulate and
    Australian Embassy.
    WORKING HOURS:By appointment. (House calls if required).
    CHARGES: Depends on the individual case.
    LANGUAGES: English, French, Hebrew and Yiddish.

  • NAME: Nili Yanai
    ADDRESS: Jerusalem Medical Center, 9 Diskin Street, Jerusalem.
    TELEPHONE: 02-567-0703. Emergencies only: 050-787-4559
    FAX: 02-561-9686.
    E-MAIL: yanaio@netvision.net.il
    SPECIALTY: Obstetrics, gynecology and ultrasound for ob&gyn (including
    invasive procedures- amnio, etc.).
    BACKGROUND: Graduated at Hebrew Univ. Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem
    1974-1981. Specialized in obstetrics, gynecology at Haemek
    Medical Center 1982-1991. Presently senior doctor in Ob&Gyn
    Dept. in Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, Jerusalem.
    WORKING HOURS:Sunday: 5pm – 8pm; Monday: 8am – 3pm; Wednesday: 8am – 7pm.
    CHARGES: Depends on the individual case.
    LANGUAGES: Hebrew and English.
  • NAME: A. Adoni
    ADDRESS: Mishol Hakurtam 6, Ramot, Jerusalem. Clinic in Hadassah Mt.
    TELEPHONE: 584-4044 office – recording in English & Hebrew; 586-7255 home.
    FAX: 586-9950
    SPECIALTY: Obstetrics / Gynecology.
    BACKGROUND: Medical School in Israel, Professor of Obstetrics and
    Gynecology at Hadassah University Hospital.
    WORKING HOURS:By appointment.
    CHARGES: Depends on the individual case.
    LANGUAGES: English and Hebrew.

  • NAME: Henry R. Hashkes
    ADDRESS: 7 Gretz Street, German Colony, Jerusalem (office).
    TELEPHONE: 566-9694
    SPECIALTY: Family practice; specialist in high blood pressure, designated
    by the American Society of Hyper-Tension.
    BACKGROUND: Graduate from the University of Louisville, School of Medicine
    in 1956. Internship Kings County Hospital, New York 56-57; John
    Hopkins Lipid Training Center. Deputy Post Surgeon, U.S. Army,
    Fort Wadsworth Staten Island, New York 57-59. John Hopkins Lipid
    Training Center.
    WORKING HOURS:by appointment only .
    CHARGES: Depends on the individual case.
    LANGUAGES: Hebrew, English and Yiddish.

  • NAME: Ziad Abu Asi
    ADDRESS: Private Clinic: Al-Kawthar Street, Al-Bireh
    Al-Hilal Palestinian Red Crescent Society Hospital
    TELEPHONE: 240-6260; 240-6270. Clinic phone # 240-5328 /240-7464, Mobile:
    0599658596. Email: ziyad100@palnet.com
    SPECIALTY: Internal medicine, pediatrics, Heart, Hypertension and Diabetics
    BACKGROUND: Attended medical school at Howard University. Residency at
    State University Hospital, New York.
    WORKING HOURS:Call for appointment.
    CHARGES: Depends on individual case.
    LANGUAGES: English, Arabic.
  • NAME: Jacqoes Bronstein
    ADDRESS: 9 Rashba Street, 92264 Jerusalem
    TELEPHONE: 02-566-4733; cellular tel. 054-428-2500
    FAX: 561-1036
    SPECIALTY: Eye diseases - Eye surgeon - Glaucomas - contact lenses
    Specialist - refractive surgery (examiner - laser).
    BACKGROUND: Faculty of Medicine of Paris 1956-1963, Externe des Hopitaux de
    Paris, Internat des Hopitaux de Strasbourg. Certificate of
    Special Studies in Ophthalmology: 1963-1967. Assistant-
    Professor at the Rothschild Ophthalmic Foundation of Paris: 1967-
    1976. Senior in the Sha'are Zedek Ophthalmic Department: 1977-
    1981. Head of the Ophthalmological Department of Misgav Ladach
    Hospital from 1981.
    WORKING HOURS:Every day except Friday and Saturday - by appointment only.
    CHARGES: Depends on the individual case.
    LANGUAGES: French, English, Hebrew, Spanish, Russian understood.
  • NAME: Haim Pogrund
    ADDRESS: Orthopedic Department Hadassah Hospital, Mount Scopus.
    TELEPHONE: Mt. Scopus Hadassah Hospital 584-4500/1
    SPECIALTY: Orthopedics.
    BACKGROUND: M.B.Ch.B. University of Cape Town 1956 F.R.C.S England 1962.
    Specialization in orthopedics 1956-1974. Senior orthopedic
    surgeon Groote Schuur Hospital Cape Town and University of Cape
    Town. 1974 to 1984 senior orthopedic surgeon Hadassah
    University Hospital Mt. Scopus Jerusalem. Professor of
    orthopedics at Hebrew University since 1984. 1988 Head of Unit
    of Orthopedics, Mt. Scopus.
    WORKING HOURS:By appointment.
    CHARGES: Depends on the individual case.
    LANGUAGES: English, Hebrew, Dutch and Yiddish.
  • NAME: Andrene Karakishian
    ADDRESS: Shufat, Apt. #9, Jerusalem: P.O. Box 19244
    TELEPHONE: 581-5776
    SPECIALTY: Pediatrics.
    BACKGROUND: Graduated in 1953 from the French Medical University in Beirut -
    Lebanon. 1953 - 1962 worked as Pediatric Resident and later
    Assistant in the Pediatric Department of the Augusta Victoria
    Hospital, Jerusalem. Since 1962 Field Preventive Medicine
    Officer in the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for
    Palestine Refugees. Private child clinic at the above address
    in Jerusalem.
    WORKING HOURS:Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri: 1:00 - 4:00pm, and by appointment. Call
    for an appointment. Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday: Off.
    CHARGES: Depends on the individual case.
    LANGUAGES: English, French, Arabic, Armenian and Turkish.
  • NAME: Harry J. Hirsch
    ADDRESS: 18 Yad Harutzim Street, Talpiot Medical Services, 93420
    TELEPHONE: 02-672-5696. After hours (emergencies only), cellular phone
    FAX: 02-672-5697
    E-MAIL: hirschmd@netvision.net.il
    SPECIALTY: Pediatrics
    BACKGROUND: Born Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Specialist in Pediatrics and
    Pediatric Endocrinology, licensed in the U.S. and Israel.
    Among others: Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelpheia, 1968-
    1972. Chief Resident, St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children
    & Dept. of Pediatrics, Phila. Research Fellow, Harvard Medical
    School, Boston 1975 - 1978. Consultant in pediatric
    endocrinology, Shaare Zedek Hospital, Jerusalem 1989-
    present. Pediatric endocrinologist, Hadassah Hospital,
    Jerusalem 1992-1996.
    WORKING HOURS:Sunday through Thursday, 8:30am to 5pm; Fridays, 8am to 11:30am.
    CHARGES: Depends on the individual case.
    LANGUAGES: English and Hebrew.
  • NAME: Shlomo Wollstein
    ADDRESS: 3 Bartenura Str., Jerusalem 92184, Ground floor.
    SPECIALTY: Psychiatry.
    BACKGROUND: Zürich, Switzerland, 1955. Specialist in Psychiatry, Jerusalem
    Medical School 1964. Degree of Master of Public Health
    Jerusalem Medical School, 1963. Formerly, Medical Director of
    private psychiatric Hospital. Psychiatric adviser and member of
    medical comissions to Ministry of Defense, National Insurance
    Institute, Ministry of Health, and Ministry of Communication.
    Private practice since 1964. Analytically Oriented
    Psychotherapy, Psychopharmacology, Legal Expertises. Marital
    Counselling (formerly Director, Marital Counselling Service,
    Academy of Medicine of the Israel Medical Association.)
    WORKING HOURS:By appointment only.
    CHARGES: Depends on the individual case.
    LANGUAGES: English, Hebrew, German and French.

  • NAME: Viveca Hazboun
    ADDRESS: Alqam Center, 3rd floor, Jerusalem-Hebron Road, Bethlehem. MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 51399, Jerusalem
    TELEPHONE: 02-277-0489; mobile telephone 052-2519-867
    FAX: 02-277-0488
    E-MAIL: gtc@p-ol.com
    SPECIALTY: Adult and child psychiatry, Special Education therapy ,
    Marital Therapy , Group Therapy and Play Therapy.
    BACKGROUND: Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
    in Adult and child Psychiatry (Adult Board- 1980, Child
    Board – 1981). USC School of Medicine – Assitant Professor
    of Clinical Psychiatry 1981-1985. Mental Health supervisor – UNRWA: (United Nations Relief and Work Agency) – 1991-1995.
    Director of Guidance and Training Center for the Child and
    Family, Bethlehem as of November 1994. Consultant to many
    foreign and local institutions, e.g. Palestinian Ministry of
    Education, Medecins Sans Frontiers, Caritas Jerusalem, etc.
    WORKING HOURS: Monday through Friday form 8:00 until 15:00 p.m.
    CHARGES: Depends on the individual case.
    LANGUAGES: English, Arabic, French, Greek.
  • NAME: Maurice Dorfman
    ADDRESS: 13 Megadim Street, Yefe Nof 96185(junction of Herzl Boulevard
    and Yefe Nof Street), Jerusalem
    TELEPHONE: 02-643-8987
    SPECIALTY: Skin & Venereal Diseases.
    BACKGROUND: Graduate Univ. of Edinburgh, Scotland Medical School, 1960.
    Dermatology Dept., Hadassah Univ. Hospital 1963-1974; Chief
    Physician 1973. Research Fellow Univ. of Pennsylavania, PA
    1967-1968. Clinical Lecturer in Dermatology, Hebrew Univ. of
    Jerusalem 1974. Medical Director, Hansen Government Hospital
    1980 – 1982. Private since 1974.
    WORKING HOURS: Call for an appointment.
    CHARGES: Depends on the individual case
    LANGUAGES: English, Hebrew and Yiddish.
  • NAME: Michael A. Goldenhersh, M.D.
    ADDRESS: Beit HaTeomim, 15 Kanfei Nesharim Street, Jerusalem
    TELEPHONE: 652-2238
    FAX: 02-653-7391
    SPECIALTY: Dermatology, Dermatologic Surgery, and Dermatopathology.
    Offers a range of services, both medical and cosmetic
    including laboratory for skin pathology and fungal testing;
    laser treatment for various conditions, including sun-damaged
    skin, facial redness, and hair removal; and cosmetic peels
    and skin care products.
    BACKGROUND: Board Certification: U.S. Board Certified in Dermatology;
    U.S. Board Certified in Dermatopathology; Israeli Board
    Certified in Dermatology. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer
    Center: Dermatology Resident and Research Fellow, 1979-91;
    Yale University School of Medicine: Chief Dermatology
    Resident, 1981-1983; Yale Dermatology and Co-Director of Yale
    Dermatopathology Laboratory, 1983-1984; Hadassah Hospital:
    Dermatopathology Consultant and Instructor,Senior
    Dermatologist, 1985-1998.
    WORKING HOURS: Sunday 9-1 and 2-5 pm; Monday 9:30-1 and 2-5 pm; Wednesday
    9:30-1 and 2-4 pm; Thursday 9-1 and 2-4 pm.
    CHARGES: NIS 450 for first visit.
    LANGUAGES: English and Hebrew.

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