According to the 2011 population census, the
of PNG increased by 40% at an average
annual growth rate of 3.1% since the last populatio
n census in 2000. During the same period the
life expectancy at birth increased from 58.80 years
to 60 years. Between 1990 and 2012 the infant
and under-5 mortality rates decreased steadily from
65 and 89 per 1000 live births to 48 and 63
per 1000 live births respectively. This decline is
however not sufficient for PNG to meet its MDG 4
targets. Very few mothers deliver at health facilit
ies. In 2012 on average only 44% of births
occurred at health facilities. The maternal mortali
ty ratio for PNG is estimated to be 230 per
100,000 live births. Whilst PNG has maintained its
polio free status since 2000, there have been
breakthrough measles outbreaks in 2005 and recently
in 2013-2014.
Communicable diseases continue to be the major caus
e of morbidity and mortality, with malaria,
tuberculosis, diarrheal diseases and acute respirat
ory infections at the top of the list. Studies
conducted by the Institute of Medical Research PNG
indicate an incidence of malaria is on the
decline. Tuberculosis (TB) remains a problem of pub
lic health significance with drug resistant
strains becoming increasingly common and extremely
drug resistant (XDR) TB being reported in
some areas. The HIV prevalence amongst pregnant wom
en has stabilized at 0.56% (2013).
The 2007 STEPS report indicates that noncommunicabl
e diseases (NCDs) and related modifiable
risk factors are prevalent in PNG with adults at in
creased risk of developing chronic diseases.
77.7% of the population surveyed was at moderate ri
sk and 21.1% at high risk for NCDs. According
to the Household Income and Expenditure Survey (201
0), 48.2% of children less than 5 years were
significantly shorter than the reference population
and 27.2% weighed significantly less.
Challenges include a rapid population growth; limit
ed access to services, high maternal mortality
ratio, dual burden of communicable and NCDs, shorta
ges of HRH and essential medicines,
insufficient funding for service delivery and weak
management capacity.
health delivery system is heavily decentralized. Un
der the National Health Administration
Act (1997) and the Organic Law on Provincial and Lo
cal level Governments (1977) health service
delivery is fragmented between NDoH and provincial
governments. The Provincial Authority Act
(2007) establishes a system of Provincial Health Au
thorities (PHA) which integrates the
management of hospitals with that of rural health s
ervices. Under this Act, the PHA Chief Executive
Officer has direct management control over health f
unction grants and health workers, with the
potential for improved staff supervision accountabi
The National Health Services Standards (NHSS) of 20
11 define seven levels of the PNG health
service delivery model, minimum standards for healt
h facility infrastructure, minimum staffing
levels, standard equipment lists for each level of
service delivery and an accreditation system for
hospitals and health centers. In 2012 the 10
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